Saturday, March 1, 2008

Keep Going

I wouldn’t read this post unless you want to become bored.

Basically I’m going to let how I feel out. At this current point in time I feel crap. This last week I’ve let all my problems build up because I’ve been helping others with there’s and just keeping me busy. Well this weekend it’s just built up and I need to let it out. Sorry if I sound self centred and selfish it’s true but yer I’m sorry.

I constantly feel down and crap. Home life is crap; probably because I cause the problems me and my sister contently argues and I really hate it. Inside it burns me so much when we do argue I try and make an effort not to argue and it gets thrown back in my face. I know she hates me and I know people all say “all brothers and sisters are like that” but no it’s not the same we have never been close maybe because I was jealous when we were younger but then that’s me all over - jealous. Mum and Dad are constantly at each other’s throats even when they’re not together there back stabbing one another it does my head in.

Friends seem to be having a lot of problems recently and I really feel that I am making things worse for them with the advice I give them (if you can call it advice) I’m sorry to you all. I feel like I’m letting Kathryn down constantly and I’m so sorry.

I’m sorry to everyone for everything, that I’ve let you down, made you cry, made things worse and just being me I’m sorry to you all.

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