Monday, February 18, 2008

Me & You In The Car Parking Space Right Here Right Now!

Today has been really long and really tiring. Basically today I spent the day with my Nan. Don’t get me wrong I love my Nan to bits she is one of those people I really get on with in my family. Anyway so yesterday I got a call saying there was a problem with her laptop (good old Vista again) so she picks me up and we go down to the guy who normally does her computer he shows me what to do to save Nan £50. So then we go to my house to pick up my laptop to back hers up because we’ve got to do a complete reboot of the whole system (yay).

So we get my laptop go into town to see the shoe doctor to have the metal put in my shoes and then we went back to hers and I spent 5 hours sorting out her bumming laptop and speaking to Virgin Media (fat lot of help they were can’t understand them)

Then I went home had some tea well a slim fast shake and then Kath picked me up in her mums new car and we went to Youth Forum and completely messed around really and oh yer ECO RABBIT! Oh and Me and you in the car parking space right here right now!

Now I’m currently watching the Simpsons movie and blogging at the same time (I can multitask) now I’m looking for a image to post with the blog so, here is another funny sign or two!

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