Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Or Tuesday...

... a line from the play i've been working on.

Anyways, wired day really today got into school at 8 this morning to set up the music onto mini disk and find out the news cues from last nights rehersles. Period one the play went really well although i missed a couple of cues but hey no one noticed. Break i went to pick up my raffle prize which was a tin of caberys biscuits.

Period three we did the play again and this time Miss G decided to change my cues and add / remove music... i was not impressed. The play went really well and the audience really enjoyed it by the end of it i had no lunch so went to ICT to sit in a room full of chimps that can't change the font, and they say that is set 2 of 7?

Period five the last and final performance it went extreamly well exsept, i hit the re-set rack button which started the tracka gain while int he middle of a dance opps.. but lukcily it was at the begining so we re-started. That performance went really well and its the one that will be examed. So by the end of that it was the end of school so i met up with, Charlotte, Sean, Mande & Dan and went into town to do some shopping.

I got Kaths valintines pressent and charlotte got hers for dan. I got the bus home and by the end i wanted to hit the bus driver lady / man thing she was so rude. Anyway i msut dash as i'm going to bed. Night more on my day tommrow - yawn -

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